Breaking the accent barrier.

Unlock agent confidence and deliver stellar global CX with Accent Harmonizer.

Even when language proficiency requirements are met, 50% of qualified candidates face rejection based solely on their accents.

Accent Harmonizer is a real-time voice fluency solution that boosts agent confidence, stands as a beacon for diversity and inclusion, and enhances clarity—minimizing distractions and ensuring optimal sound quality throughout conversations.

Listen to before and after Accent Harmonizer

  • Background noise elimination

  • Desktop control

  • 100% agent driven

  • Preserves cultural identity and individual dignity

Listen to before and after Accent Harmonizer

  • Background noise elimination

  • Accent neutralization

  • Desktop control

  • 100% agent driven

  • Preserves cultural identity and individual dignity

40% increased

Accent fluency with real-time accent translation

Hire to the right profile

Hire from diverse backgrounds, eliminate accent training, and enable global team contribution

Less churn

Agents are less likely to leave when they can comfortably service customers

Better experience

Improve CSAT and decrease call drops with clearer customer communication

Eliminate disruptions

Suppress echoes, background noise, and inconsistent audio levels with agent-controlled volume management

Let’s Talk

Ready to boost agent confidence?
Drop us a note to get things started.

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